Does Coca Cola contain 4 Mel?
The caramel color that Coke and Pepsi used to give colas that distinctive brown hue contained a chemical, 4-methylimidazole — 4-MEI — that is listed as a carcinogen by the state.Click to see full answer. Also, does Pepsi contain 4 Mel?Health Canada has stated that 4-MeI levels found in foods do not represent a risk. Similarly, Pepsi and some Coke lots sold in the states other than California in the United States contain 4-MeI levels considered safe by the FDA and EFSA, but exceeding California standards.Likewise, does Coca Cola have caramel? Coca-Cola Zero Sugar and Diet Coke are sugar free. Caramel colour – A very specific caramel is made especially for Coca-Cola, to give the drink its characteristic colour. Additionally, what gives cola its color? Caramel color helps give Coca-Cola its unique look and taste. It is made by heating sugars and starches, as well as common food acids, bases or salts until we get just the right color.Why is caramel coloring bad for you?Caramel color, added to many soft drinks and some foods to turn them brown, may sound harmless, even appetizing. But in no way does it resemble real caramel. Some types of this artificial coloring contain a potentially carcinogenic chemical called 4-methylimidazole (4-MeI). Ideally there would be no 4-MeI in food.”